Blogging at The Fountain

Learning to be real...

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Stephen Riley - I'm hoping to have more fun in my 40's than I did in my 30's. I need help remembering the constant love of Father God. When I get too busy, I forget. Vivian Cox- I am learning how much the Lord loves me and hoping to share this incredible, grace filled love with others. If you have any questions or comments for me personally please feel free to shoot me an email at

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Race and Religion or God?

I recently listened to a song that my sister sent me and to be completely honest I don't know who sings it or what the name of the song is. The one thing that I do know is it is profound. The author of the song is talking about God ( I know, I know, not so different yet) however, she starts singing about how people have a "race and religion" and she guesses she does too, but what about God? She also mentions walking underneath a star filled sky and how can we do such a thing and not think about God... it has just got me thinking. What about God?

I have been on a journey here recently to truly get to know God... not my beliefs, not my religions, but God. Who is this lover that Misty Edwards sings about? Who is this radical revolutionary that Shane Claiborne writes about? Who is this God that loves me for just who I am and not what I do, just me being me? Being 7 months pregnant with our first son (and child for that matter) has made me think even more. I don't want to just teach my child about God - we all sang the songs but do we really think about Jesus loving us and not just singing the lyrics to our children at night? I want my son to know God and I want to know Him too. Not just for religion's sake, but knowing an amazing lover, creator, and friend.
- Vivian


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